Saturday, August 24, 2013

Like one year after... T_T

It's been a long time this wallie is undone at my projects folder...

I started, left behind, tried to work back, left it again... sometimes I just don't make it fit in a way I can think it's done... T_T

But today I managed to finish and I'm here to post... XD

So, now let's talk about Luhan... XDD

Boy (I can't even talk him a guy, because he looks so much like a big child... LOL) is just the cutest being on EXO-M, and I say being because I can't say he is a person, kind like in my twisted mind he's so angelic I consider him as an angel... LOL

And he's not even my main bias... to tell the truth, I don't take him in consideration while picking a bias at EXO-M... quite like Kai in EXO-K... LOL

Well, I tried to find a pic with his fabulous red hair, but I just couldn't... *cries a river* my brother and his online gaming just made my search impossible... then I just made it with the pics I already own...

Isn't he an angel like cute being? XD

I need to go now, so maybe later I'll edit this and post a video... not enough time to do it right now... T_T


  1. O wallie ficou uma graça <3 Eu tenho achado o Luhan mais bonitinho ultimamente, nada que faça ele subir mtos níveis no meu ranking lol, mas eu agora já não acho ele feio... ou mto feio... enfim xD

    Eu não sabia que ele era seu bias absoluto do exo xD, apesar de que é até óbvio isso, auehuaehueaheauh.

  2. Herege, comoassim? Luhan eh a coisinha mais cutie do Exo-m e soh nao eh a coisinha mais cutie do exoxou tdo, pq Baekchu eh algo q I JUST CAN'T...LOL
