
Before talking about my sources, I need to talk my opinion about things people share at internet.


Why? I think that if I find something pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/wtv, why the hell I can't edit it to make it fit what I need to do? I mean, why I need to keep a watermark and make a picture look a lot smaller in a wallpaper that's already small and don't see what I need to see: MY BELOVED IDOL, just because I need to keep the watermark?

If someone wants the originals, then I can post it, but NO ONE EVER ASKED ANYTHING, so I just didn't care to post anything about my sources before.

Two: I never have anything at my works, no watermark, no comment at the archive, no nothing. So if you want to share it somewhere else and claim as your own it's your problem. I own the original file in PSD, and have my blog posting with the date of release, and I DO KNOW I MADE IT, and it's enough for me.

Three: If you want to edit it, you can. I have in mind that once I share it on internet it doesn't belong to me anymore, but to the person who saved it. You can do whatever you want with it. But if you want/need something in A DIFFERENT COLOR OTHER THAN BLUE, you can come and ask me to do it, as I said before, I still keep all my original PSDs, and can change the color. If you want to change the person at the wallie, like you loved the background but really want it with someone else, then I can try sending you a PNG file, with transparent "holes" at the frames, so you can put whoever you want. I'll not do it myself, as I don't own a lot of people's pics, specially those guys I don't like.

With those things said, let's talk about my sources... XD

I grab things all around, and I'm doing it for YEARS already, so a lot of places don't even exist anymore. If you see something I should have paid to use, I need to say that I'm so sorry, but I didn't pay for anything and got it from someone else and I just can't pay for it or anything else, because I don't have a work, don't even saw money in the past years, because it's been more than 2 years I don't even go out of the front door of my house, because of my agoraphobia.

Years ago I got a lot of scrapbooking packs via Demonoid, a torrent site that I think doesn't work anymore.
I got some at blogs around, and some at AvaxHome. I still own some of those previews/folder/wtv files, so little by little I'll be posting the names of the people who made the original files.

As for the pictures, I got it around in tons of places. Lately I'm getting things at Chinese sites, like Baidu and Weibo, as I REALLY HATE the Thumblr (or something like, I don't even know how to write it) messy pages, don't own social network accounts and I'm kind of anti-social and have no patience at all with those "discussions" about "who's better, who's the most beautiful, or who's more talented" you find everywhere. Why? I have my own opinions about things and no matter what other people say, I'll keep it. What you think is what you think, it's up to you, and not me to change. If someone ASK my opinion I'll say it, but if you don't agree, well, it's your problem. If I don't agree with yours, it's my problem and I'll not bother you about it.

My country has a popular quote that is quite hard to translate with my limited English, but it's like this: "Every mind has it's own opinion". What means that every single person in the Universe has it's own unique way of seeing and understanding things, so you can't really know what they think or how they will understand/react about what you do or think, as other people can not understand you.

Scrapbooking stuff:


Far Far Hill

Ooh la la, Artsy! Not!


Fangirling stuff:


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