Friday, September 7, 2012

Project day 6

Why time seems to don't pass and it looks like an eternity that I'm posting? LOL

I think that never I made so many posts in my life! XDD

Usually I post once in a while, not to say something like once or twice a year... LOL

But let's try to keep my promise to my friends and post along the entire month... T_T

Today I spent a bit more time than yesterday working on my wallie. I loved the outcome and it's pretty and delicate, but without being so out of what people can expect from me... XDDD

I chose Seungyub from A-JAX, and I'm happy that I did it. I loved him since the first time I saw him, and when I got pics I really fell in love, he can be fierce on stage, and then he can come and smile like you'll see below:

It really melted my heart... <3

The group debuted not long ago, and there's few things about them around. Finding pics to make my wallie was a hard thing to do, but not exactly like usually is my main problem, but the complete opposite. My Infinite's L folder holds more than 12.000 pics (it's HIS folder only), and my SHINee's Taemin folder more than 14.000. Seungyub's folder has... less than 180. Lots of fantaken pics that are blurry or have weird angles, so it's hard to make it fit the wallie. Even trying to search on Google is really boring, because you'll see always the same pics... T_T. I hope that in the future, finding his pics will turn to be a hard thing to make, but for my usual problem... LOL.

I loved their first single, and this video is amazing. And well... yummy abs and eyeliner always catch attention... or it's just me? LOL

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