Saturday, September 8, 2012

Project day 7

Think I shouldn't sleep too much today and woke up earlier to do this wallie.

I'm not so happy with it, but it's not really bad... I just think that Lay deserves something better... maybe I'll re-made it later.

I tried some different things, and they don't seem to match together.

Well, that's life, I guess... LOL

As mentioned before, today's inspiration comes from EXO-M's Lay. I don't know why I like him more than Luhan, that is the "faerie" being of the group, but it's just like that... XDD

The phrase is from the "MAMA" song, I think the song is strong, like a musical. Some scenes made me remember Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Fall of Atlantis".

If you ever had read the books, you'll easily recognize the scenes I'm talking about. 

And here's my wallie... T_T


After hours working a bit more, 143 new fonts downloaded and 10 installed later, I think it's better...

Test one:

I still didn't like this one, so I had to search for a new font, none of those I had here were what I was looking for... T_T

Test two:

Now it's looking more like I wanted... delicate and with a lighter color. Still don't know if it will be the definitive one, but now I'm more satisfied with the outcome result... XD

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