Saturday, February 23, 2013

There's still so much empty space... T_T

After my last post I tried to make another wallie... and it's still feeling empty-like.

I started with P.O., he's the next one at my Block B bias list, but after a while, it was not fitting him at all... LOL. To don't "waste" everything I had already, I started thinking about who would fit that... well, I couldn't find someone that I felt like was really "cool looking" with what I did, but after trying some different people, I end up choosing B1A4's Gongchan.

Think I already said that I'm not really a fan *really, really far from being a BANA*. Jinyoung is really appealing, and Gongchan is like my Korean version of Yamashita Shoon... LOL. A lot of times, Gongchan reminds me of Shoon... the eyes, maybe?

Sorry for the B1A4's fans out there, but there will not be a TOP 3. Why? Just because I couldn't really fall in love with Baro and CNU. And the fact that Sandeul somewhat reminds me of Junno *KAT-TUN's one*, really bother me... XP

Then, instead of having a B1A4's TOP 3, I'll have a Block B's TOP 4. They were "released" at the "same" time, and at that time, I really couldn't like B1A4 AT ALL. Even thinking about Jinyoung and Gongchan, the song was just too way "happy" for me. But, on the other hand, Block B was just the kind of "sound" I love to hear. Plus, I still have a really hard time choosing my biases... XD

Back to Gongchan... XD... I'm not into following them at all, and when I knew about his kidney surgery I was worried. He's really young, and I wonder what happened to come to the point of taking out one kidney... poor boy, he had to "undercover" it and push the surgery date to the end of the promo. And there are people thinking that being a "star" is easy... :(

I think he's OK now, and I really hope he can go on healthily. Please, BANA, take care of the cute maknae for me... XD.

I tried to find a platinum-blonde pic, but I just couldn't find one I liked with the frame... T_T. Think I need more Gongchan pics... LOL

I loved the hoodies he wore at the "Beautiful Target" promo. They were so cute and he was just perfect wearing them. Like a big teddie... LOL

Now, time to go and have my breakfast... XD. Good morning!!

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